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Alzheimer & Dementia Care

Alzheimer’s Society of Canada 1-800-616-8816

Ontario Alzheimer Societies offer help for today through programs and services for people
living with dementia.

Almost half of all Canadians affected by dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, are waiting
too long to be diagnosed. Yet, early diagnosis can improve the journey for the person with
dementia and prepare their family and friends for what lies ahead.

The Alzheimer Society makes the disease easier to live with, providing information, support
and education every step of the way. Find out more at and see your
doctor. (Ontario only) (All of Canada)

Health & Medical

Taking care of yourself is important at any age. Have a look below for more information on a
wide variety of organizations, designed to help no matter what life may bring.

The Arthritis Society 1-800-321-1433

Information, programs and services for people living with arthritis.

Breathworks COPD Helpline 1-866-717-2673

Learn more about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as local support
groups in your area.

Lung Association Helpline 1-888-344-5864

Provides information and tips on lung health.

Canadian Cancer Society Helpline 1-888-939-3333

Providing information and support services for people living with cancer and their families.

Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada 1-877-502-6566

Dedicated to raising awareness for colorectal cancer. Visit the site below to learn more about
the CCAC and everything they have to offer.

Ontario Breast Screening Program 1-866-662-9233

The Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) provides high-quality breast cancer screening
for women aged 50 to 74 years.

Ovarian Cancer Canada 1-877-413-7970

Providing free sessions and support to patients and their families.

Canadian Diabetes Association 1-800-226-8464

Stay up to date on the latest news and tips to help those living with diabetes.

Diabetes Care Community

Providing information and expert advice from leaders in the field of diabetes.

Canadian Liver Foundation National Helpline 1-800-563-5483

Providing support to people living with liver disease.

Canadian Mental Health Association 1-800-875-6213

Mental health information & referral to local CMHA branches.

Centre for Addiction & Mental Health-Infoline 1-800-463-6273

Provides general information about alcohol, drug & mental health issues.

Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600

Provides free & confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with
mental health.

Health Care Connect 1-800-445-1822

Can assist you in finding a physician.

Osteoporosis Canada 1-800-463-6842

Providing information for people with osteoporosis.

Parkinson Society of Canada 1-800-565-3000

Find out more about news, tips and even events to help raise awareness for Parkinson’s

MS Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582

Learn more about multiple sclerosis (MS) here.

Telehealth 1-866-797-0000

Provides access to a Registered Nurse 24/7.

The Canadian Hearing Society 1-877-347-3427
TTY Toll Free: 1-877-216-7310

Stay up to date with the latest products and services designed for the hearing impaired.

The Kidney Foundation of Canada 1-800-414-3484

Helping promote kidney health while supporting those with kidney disease.

Heart & Stroke Foundation 613-569-4361

Stay informed on heart health and tips to decrease your chance of having a stroke.

Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association 1-800-668-2785

Provides you with information on the availability of hospice palliative care services across

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario 1-800-268-7096 x603

General Inquires; check doctor’s qualifications, contact info; or visit

Federal & Provincial Assistance Programs

Federal Assistance Programs

Find out more about which benefits you qualify for.

Compassionate Care Benefits 1-800-206-7218
You may receive benefits if you have to be absent from work to provide care to a gravely ill family member at risk of dying. Check for restrictions.

Old Age Security (OAS)
Toll free 1-800-277-9914
TTY 1-800-255-4786

International Pension Benefits
Toll free 1-800-454-8731
TTY 1-800-255-4786

Goods & Services Tax Credit
Toll free 1-800-959-1953

Provincial Assistance Programs


Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) Government of Ontario
Toll free 1-866-668-8297
TTY 1-800-263-7776
Ensures a guaranteed minimum income for qualified Ontario pensioners.

Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Government of Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care
Toll free 1-800-664-8988

Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit
Toll free 1-866-765-7237
Seniors 65+ could qualify for a tax credit to help with the cost of making their home safer &
more accessible.

Ontario Home Oxygen Program
Toll free 1-866-532-3161
Offers assistance to help cover the costs of oxygen & related equipment.

British Columbia

BC Seniors Action Plan
The Ministry of Health’s plan for improving the home and community care system for B.C. seniors has six themes that address system-wide change through key actions.

About SeniorsBC
This website, SeniorsBC, provides information about government programs and services for older adults. The goal is to provide the residents of B.C. with one place to go to find all the information they need to plan for and live a healthy, active aging lifestyle.

Included on the website are sections on health care, finances, benefits, housing, transportation and more.

Protection from Elder Abuse and Neglect

Every day in British Columbia, thousands of older adults are subjected to some form of physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse, and/or experience neglect. Yet too often, elder abuse goes unrecognized. The abuser and the abused may not even recognize the actions as abuse.


We want to help veterans stay informed. Have a look at the links below for more information on services and tips for veterans.

Veterans Affairs Canada 1-866-522-2122

Learn more about pensions for veterans who are disabled as a result of a disease or injury that is attributable to, incurred during, or has been aggravated by military service.

Veterans Review and Appeal Board 1-800-450-8006

Contact Veterans Affairs Canada if you wish to appeal a decision they have made.

Veteran Ombudsman 1-877-330-4343

Resolves issues related to programs and services provided by or administered by Veterans Affairs Canada.

General Information

CCAC – Community Care Access Centres 310-ccac (2222)

CCAC’s are funded and regulated by the Ministry of Health and long-term care in Ontario. They
assess your needs or those of your loved one, and coordinate a variety of health services to
maintain an individual’s health.

National Do Not Call List 1-866-580-3625

Your registration is valid for a six year period and becomes effective thirty one days after you

Office of the Registrar 1-800-461-2156 Death Certificate

Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

Seniors Safety Line 1-866-299-1011
Referrals, resources & educational services.

Seniors’ INFOline 1-888-910-1999

A guide to programs and services for seniors in Ontario.